第三世多杰羌佛办公室 第六十三号公告(02/09/2022)




一、 这一次佛事的所有费用均由金巴法王和摩訶法王个人出资,两位法王没有委托任何机构或个人对外集资或募款,两位法王也不接受任何供养或捐款!!!一分一毛钱都不要!!!

二、 这一次佛事由金巴法王主持处理,所有事情法王均是亲力亲为,没有其他人代为办理。如果法王要让你代为处理某件事情,法王一定会与你面谈,或在电话里面亲自告诉你。凡是他人以法王名义转告、通知、或处理任何事情,都是假的!!!骗人的!!!一定要向第三世多杰羌佛办公室核实。

三、 南无第三世多杰羌佛的所有教导都在法音、法本和已经出版的经书里面,在一百二十八条知见里面,有些人,藉佛弟子们悲痛急切的心情,为自己创造名利机会,说什么南无第三世多杰羌佛或佛母私下对其说了什么、交代他/她做什么、或是他/她要为佛陀佛母做什么等等,这些都是不可信的!!!骗人的!!!往往都是他/她为了骗取自己个人的利益而用的藉口,大家一定要清醒这一点,不然,上当受骗了,就悔之晚矣!!!

四、 还有个別人,为了抬捧自己,竟然说,南无羌佛当年说《XX 经》就是要离开娑婆世界了,为了吹嘘自己欺骗大众,竟然谤佛!纯粹是黑业满身!佛陀的法行,连大菩萨都不知道,一个罪孽的众生如何知晓?再问一句,你都知道佛陀什么时间涅槃,那你知道你自己什么时候死吗?明确地正告大家,这种人既不懂法义,更没有悲心,连佛教徒最基本的善良虔诚和感恩佛陀佛母的心都没有,有的只是满身的业障!如果这种人还继续造谣誹谤,将不会允许其进入圣蹟寺!佛弟子们若听信其言並跟隨其人,也只会给你们增加黑业,让你们不得成就解脱。

五、 大众为祈祷佛陀佛母迴转人间,发心举行放生、做善事是应该的,是功德的。两位法王自己掏钱放生了,但法王没有组织他人放生,更没有集资放生!!!你们各个机构、团体或个人发心放生或做任何善事,你们自己要组织好,要合法如仪地举行,並防止有人藉机诈骗!!!

六、 只有第三世多杰羌佛办公室的公告才是真实可靠正确的消息来源。


2022 年 02 月 09 日

Since the announcement of the news that Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Fomu, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva, have borne dark karmas for living beings and entered parinirvana, human and heavenly beings have been weeping in grief. Buddhist disciples all over the world are praying whole-heartedly to beseech Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Fomu, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva, to return to this world to save us living beings from our sufferings.

Unsurprisingly, some evil swindlers have taken advantage of the situation and started their ruses. To protect the public from being deceived, the Office of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III hereby announces as follows:

1. All the expenses for this Buddhist event are being paid for exclusively by Dharma King Jinba 金巴法王 and Dharma King Mohe 摩诃法王. The two Dharma Kings did not entrust any organizations or individuals to crowdfund or fundraise. Both Dharma Kings also do not accept any offerings or donations! They will not accept even a single penny!

2. This Buddhist event is presided over and managed by Dharma King Jinba; all matters are handled by the Dharma King personally. Nobody has been entrusted to handle anything on behalf of Dharma King Jinba. If the Dharma King were to have you to handle a certain matter, the Dharma King will definitely speak to you in person or tell you directly over the phone. If anyone claims to be relaying messages, giving notifications, or handling any tasks on behalf of the Dharma King, they are lying! What they say is all deception! You must seek verification through the Office of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III.

3. All teachings by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III are contained in the audio-recorded Dharma Discourses, Dharma manuals, published Sutras, and in the “128 Evil and Erroneous Views.” Some people have taken advantage of the grief and distress of Buddhist disciples to create opportunities for themselves to gain fame and fortune, saying that Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III or Fomu, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva, privately told them certain things, or instructed them to do certain things; or they say that they want to do something for Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Fomu, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva, and so forth. What those people say is not to be trusted. They are deceiving people! Those are often their ploys to deceive others so as to reap their own benefits. Everyone must be very clear-headed about this. Otherwise, by the time you have been swindled, it will be too late for regret!

4. There is also one person who, for the sake of elevating their own reputation, even claims that when Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III imparted the “xx Sutra” some years ago, His Holiness the Buddha was indicating that He was about to leave this world. This person has the audacity to slander His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III and deceive the public for the sake of vaunting themself. They are simply filled with dark karma! Even Great Bodhisattvas would not know about what the Buddha does, how could a sinful ordinary being know? Let’s ask: If you knew when the Buddha would enter parinirvana, then do you know when you will die? We clearly tell everybody that this person does not understand the meaning of Buddha Dharma, and they don’t even have any compassion. They don’t even have the most fundamental goodness, sincerity, or gratitude that a Buddhist would have toward Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Fomu, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva. All this person has is a body full of karmic hindrances. If this kind of person continues to slander and stir up rumors, they will not be permitted to enter the Holy Miracles Temple! Any Buddhist disciples who listen to and believe what such a person says, who also follow this person, will only increase their own dark karma that will foil them from attaining liberation and accomplishment.

5. To pray for the return of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Fomu, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva, to this world by resolving to conduct life releases and to do good deeds are the things that all Buddhists should do, and they are meritorious. The two Dharma Kings have conducted life releases with their own money. However, the Dharma Kings did not organize other people to conduct life releases, nor did they ever crowdfund to conduct life releases! If any organizations, groups, or individuals want to conduct life releases or do any kinds of good deeds, these activities must be well organized, lawful, and be done in accordance with Buddha Dharma and ritual. It is also essential to take precautions to prevent anybody from taking advantage of the situation to swindle others!

6. Only the announcements published by the Office of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III are factual, reliable, and accurate sources of information.

The Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
February 9, 2022


第三世多杰羌佛办公室 第六十二号公告(02/06/2022)

2022-2-7 14:43:56


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